Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2022

Interactive Phishing: Using Chatbot-like Web Applications to Harvest Information

Phishing website links are commonly delivered via email to their respective targets. Once clicked, these websites often show a single webpage that outright asks for sensitive information like account login credentials, credit card details, and other personally identifiable information (PII). Recently, we have encountered an interesting phishing website containing an interactive component in it: a chatbot.

AI in Cybersecurity - A Double-Edged Sword | Cybersecurity Sessions #7 with Elaine K. Lee

It’s likely that we encounter artificial intelligence more often than we realize. Just as AI can be used to facilitate fraud and spread misinformation via deepfakes and sophisticated identity theft, it can also be used to develop algorithms that detect cyber-attacks in the blink of an eye. In this episode of the Cybersecurity Sessions, Andy is joined by Elaine Lee (Data Scientist, Mimecast) to delve into the benefits and risks of AI in cybersecurity, examining how artificial intelligence can be used both as an offensive weapon by adversaries and by security teams to defend against attacks.