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June 2020

How Are Bots Affecting Streaming Services?

Recently, it has been reported that Netflix has gained 16 million new sign-ups due to lockdown. This is no surprise with more people than ever being at home as a result of COVID-19. Streaming services are in high demand, this means increased sign-ups, and with more customers signing up, this increases the probability of account takeover attacks and fake account creation. With the current demand being so high for streaming services, we look into the main threats streaming services could face.

Uncovering Bots in eCommerce Part 3: What Sets Scraper Bots Apart?

Web scraping uses bots to collect large amounts of data from websites. Quite simply to extract content and data from a website. Data that’s publicly available. The scraper bot can then duplicate entire website content elsewhere. Scraper bots, most of the time, are not always bad. Bots are constantly at work behind the scenes making our digital lives run smoothly. They are usually looking for information that you are freely giving to your website’s visitors.