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January 2021

API Security in a Digitally Transformed World

One unexpected consequence of the global pandemic is the acceleration of digital transformation across organizations of all sizes. With so many employees working from home, organizations realized they needed to upgrade to a cloud infrastructure to support everyone working remotely. As applications moved from on-premises to the cloud to support these new remote users, organizations needed to think about the APIs and microservices that connected users to essential applications.

Top 7 API Security Risks (including prevention tips)

In this app-driven world, APIs are the infrastructure providing highways for ensuring smoother transport of sensitive data. Insecure APIs add to top security risks faced by web applications and act as an easy invite for hackers. Just because APIs deal with data at the backend does not mean they are hidden from the plain view and are safe. This article provides you an API security checklist that can be used as a basic benchmark before the release.