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July 2024

Unified API Protection: What It Is & How It Helps Secure API Landscape

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are the connecting tissue that enables the communication between applications, internal and external, and facilitate data exchange on a massive scale. In a world where information is the crown jewel of an organization, APIs are driving the delivery of digital services to customers and partners. While their usage is already exploding, the growing popularity of cloud-native technologies and microservices has only accelerated API adoption.

Checklist for Developers to Build Secure APIs

APIs were already ubiquitous in driving modern applications. However, the pandemic has further accelerated growth in innovation and expansion of digital services, making APIs even more widespread. In today’s world, rapid innovation would not be possible without secure APIs. Attacks on APIs are increasing exponentially. Gartner suggests API abuses are the most significant attack vector since 2022. Hence securing APIs is more critical than ever in the past.