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May 2024

Top 7 Database Security Best Practices

Safeguarding your data is not just an option—it’s a necessity. Cyber threats are evolving at an unprecedented pace, and your database could be the next target. Whether you’re managing sensitive customer information or intricate analytics, database security should be at the top of your priority list. This article dives deep into the top 7 database security best practices that will help you fortify your defenses.

Scaling Least Privilege Access for Databases

In today’s increasingly complex digital landscape, safeguarding sensitive data has never been more critical. Yet, many organizations grapple with balancing accessibility and security within their databases. Enter the concept of least privilege access, a pivotal strategy designed to minimize vulnerabilities by ensuring users have only the permissions essential for their role. However, scaling this principle across large-scale environments poses unique challenges and opportunities.

What is Azure Identity Protection and 7 Steps to a Seamless Setup

Protecting credentials has become increasingly critical in recent years, with everyday employees using more passwords, devices, and systems than ever before. Remote work has significantly increased the risk of identity attacks. 55% of remote workers say they receive more phishing emails than they used to while working in the office and attempted password attacks are up tenfold. In 2023, Microsoft detected 156,000 business email compromise (BEC) attacks every day over twelve months.

Kubernetes RBAC Essentials: How to Enable and Manage Access

As the number of applications and participants grows within your cluster, it may be necessary to evaluate and limit the activities they can perform. For instance, you may consider restricting access to production to only a select few individuals. Alternatively, you may opt to provide a limited range of permissions to an operator deployed within the cluster.