Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2024

Understanding Security Log Analytics vs. SIEM for Midsized Companies Targeted by Cybercriminals

SecOps teams at midsize companies face a unique set of challenges when it comes to managing organizational cybersecurity. Midsize companies (those with 100-999 employees and $50 million-$1 billion in annual revenue, according to Gartner) possess significant financial resources and valuable data that may be targeted by digital adversaries.

The Top 5 Security Logging Best Practices to Follow Now

Security logging is a critical part of modern cybersecurity, providing the foundation for detecting, analyzing, and responding to potential threats. As highlighted by OWASP, security logging and monitoring failures can lead to undetected security breaches. With the average cost of a data breach adding up to $4.45 million, most organizations can’t afford to miss a security incident.

Improving Patch and Vulnerability Management with Proactive Security Analysis

Vulnerability management is the continuous process of identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in an organization’s IT infrastructure, while patch management is the process of accessing, testing, and installing patches that fix bugs or address known security vulnerabilities in software applications. Vulnerability management and patch management are crucial SecOps processes that protect IT assets against cyber threats and prevent unauthorized access to secure systems.