Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

April 2021

How to Plan a Threat Hunt: Using Log Analytics to Manage Data in Depth

Security analysts have long been challenged to keep up with growing volumes of increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks, but their struggles have recently grown more acute. Only 46% of security operations leaders are satisfied with their team’s ability to detect threats, and 82% of decision-makers report that their responses to threats are mostly or completely reactive — a shortcoming they’d like to overcome.

6 Data Cleansing Strategies For Your Organization

The success of data-driven initiatives for enterprise organizations depends largely on the quality of data available for analysis. This axiom can be summarized simply as garbage in, garbage out: low-quality data that is inaccurate, inconsistent, or incomplete often results in low-validity data analytics that can lead to poor business decision-making.