Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2024

Stop Remediating Backward - Reactive Approaches Aren't a Long-Term Solution

Prioritization in vulnerability management is not just about fixing problems but fixing the right problems at the right time. Not all vulnerabilities have the same level of risk. But gathering details to understand vulnerability impact takes time, a huge challenge for already overworked staff. Many are forced to work backward, taking critical issues obtained from 3rd party sources like CISA KEV or a Reddit forum and then search for assets that it may apply to.

Web Application Security Testing: Struggles, Shortfalls and Solutions

High-value data, mission criticality, and sheer numbers make web applications a compelling target for cyberattacks. According to Verizon’s 2023 Data Breach Investigations Report, web applications were the most commonly exploited vector in both incidents and breaches last year.1 There’s another reason why web applications may be so attractive to threat actors. Most security teams simply cannot keep pace with demands for application updates and patching, testing, and vulnerability remediation.