Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

October 2023

Restore your OpenShift Virtualization VMs with Trilio (With Audio)

Use the Trilio UI to Restore your OpenShift Virtualization Virtual Machines. In this video we will show you how to restore a previously backed up virtual machine running in OpenShift using Trilio As we are restoring a virtual machine to the same cluster that we backed up earlier, we can use the Trilio User Interface to simply list the deployed virtual machines, and see that the status of the last backup is marked as Available for this virtual machine.

Backup your OpenShift Virtualization VMs with Trilio (With Audio)

Use the Trilio UI to Backup your OpenShift Virtualization Virtual Machines. In this video we will show you how to backup individual virtual machines from OpenShift using Trilio. First we are going to log in to the Trilio User Interface using our OpenShift credentials. Trilio has a Backup Wizard that allows you to select your individual VMs that you have access to in your cluster. We’ll select this Virtual Machine and click Next.

Automatic Application Protection using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management with Trilio (with Audio)

(With Audio) See how easy it is to protect a newly deployed application into OpenShift using Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, followed by an ACM Policy written for Trilio that will auto protect the deployed application (create a backup, according to the policy) In this video we will show you an example of using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (or ACM) and Trilio to automatically back up an application that has just been deployed.