Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

October 2024

A trainer's take: "Training alone won't change behaviours"

I've spent over 35 years as a trainer in various capacities, so it might surprise you to hear me say that training alone isn't enough to change behaviours—particularly when it comes to security. This isn't just my opinion; it's a conclusion from our State of Human Risk Management in 2024 Report. To understand why training isn't the full solution, we need to delve into the field of human error. Mistakes—errors caused by wrongly applied knowledge—can often be corrected with training.

Separating Hype from Reality in HRM

Human risk management (HRM) has become a more established category in recent years. This development signals a crucial shift towards enabling security teams to accurately quantify and manage workplace risks. With the rise of HRM, a variety of new technologies have also emerged on the market. However, how do you navigate the sea of buzzwords and shiny promises to pick the solution that's right for you?

Security Awareness Isn't Enough - It's Time to Adapt

October 1st marks the start of Security Awareness Month. A global campaign launched two decades ago to improve cyber security awareness and equip people with the knowledge and resources they need to be secure online. But what impact has this campaign truly had in the workplace? Yes, it spotlights the issue and boosts high-level awareness of threats like phishing.