Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

October 2023

Identifying Assets for IT Risk Analysis

Any organization that uses information technology should conduct cybersecurity risk assessments from time to time. Each organization, however, faces its own unique set of security risks and needs to tailor its approach to addressing those specific risks within its risk management processes. To get started, you first need to identify all your organization’s IT assets, which might be subject to those risks.

Effective Workflow For Your Audit Management Process

External and internal audits generate better insight into your data security, yet most employees flee from the process. Audits are cumbersome, time-consuming, and often feel peripheral to most people’s daily workload. Yet, several benefits of internal auditing make it a critical component of the long-term sustainability of your organization. However, mastering an efficient workflow for your audit management process, including risk-based internal audits, can make a significant difference.

The Benefits of Using a Compliance-Oriented Data Management Platform

Data drives the modern economy. The right type, amount, and quality of data lets organizations better understand their customers. This understanding enables companies to build more accurate customer profiles, design personalized marketing programs, refine retention strategies, and nurture meaningful long-term customer relationships. Simply collecting this data, however, is not enough. Data only becomes valuable when it is transformed into insightful information.

Key Steps to Improving Strategic Vendor Management

Efficient procurement is crucial to the success of any corporate organization. Hence, companies should consider strategies for effective vendor risk management. Strategic Vendor Management (SVM) continuously monitors and improves vendor relationships and exchanges. If a vendor performs only one task, SVM asks you to have that vendor perform multiple tasks instead, allowing for cost savings and mitigating cybersecurity risks.