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January 2025

New Operating Models of Digital Asset Trading

‘Traditional’ equities trading has undergone massive transformation over centuries. The evolution of how trades are conducted reflects technological advancements, market demands, and the need for efficiency. From the establishment of stock exchanges to the emergence of electronic communication networks (ECNs), the journey from disruption to adoption paints a clear picture of the changing landscape.

Enhancing Fund Tokenization Operations and Management with Fireblocks x Tokeny

Tokenization is gaining momentum in the financial world; more and more financial institutions recognize the impact it will have on how financial products are created, traded, and managed. It is estimated that the potential value of tokenized assets will reach about $16 trillion by 2030.

Fireblock's Off Exchange Eliminates Counterparty Risk and Promotes Transparency

Fireblocks Off Exchange leverages MPC technology to enable traders to allocate and mirror assets directly to an exchange from a wallet they mutually control, protecting their principal from hacks, bankruptcy, and fraud, while providing centralized exchanges with complete on-chain transparency that client accounts are fully collateralized.