Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2024

How Private Equity Firms Can Streamline Portfolio Optimization With CRQ

Private equity (PE) firms have a unique power in the global marketplace, independently fostering innovation, creating jobs, and propelling economic growth. These entities infuse capital into a spectrum of industries throughout the business life-cycle, intent on delivering superior returns to investors while effectively navigating the complexities of the broader threat landscape.

Transforming Cybersecurity Risk Assessments Into Actionable Plans With CRQ

‍Market success has often demanded that business leaders take risks. Some of the most profitable executives are those who have pursued bold initiatives, recognizing, despite the dangers, the potential rewards. However, as organizations grow and become more complex, the costs of these risks rise, demanding a more data-driven approach to its management.

Cyber Risk Progression Feature Empowers CISOs to Highlight Success Over Time

‍ For chief information security officers (CISOs), understanding how their organization's unique cyber risk landscape has evolved is paramount. Chronological analysis not only enables risk trends to emerge with more clarity but also provides the essential context required for more informed decision-making.

Monitoring Progress With CRQ for Cybersecurity Performance Management

Rome wasn't built in a day. It took architects, city planners, and laborers many years to construct it, making small developments every day. Just as with Rome, cybersecurity programs, too, require significant time and investment to come to fruition. ‍ However, without knowing their initial cyber risk exposure, it can be challenging for stakeholders to comprehend the full value that cybersecurity initiatives have already delivered to the organization.