Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2023

How to Negotiate the Best Cyber Insurance Policy

Most companies will quickly accept the insurance provider's first offer when negotiating cybersecurity insurance policies. Although a relatively new component of the insurance sector, providers have still been conducting cyber assessments and offers for years and are the so-called expert. ‍ However, this way of thinking costs enterprises thousands, if not millions, of dollars a year in deductibles.

An Easy Guide to Understanding Risk Management and Quantification, Part 1

When it comes to securing your enterprise and keeping it safe, your success depends on effective communication. How can you explain cyber risks to the board in a way that's easy to understand, yet still packs a punch? Cyber Risk Quantification (CRQ) is a methodological approach that allows security teams to measure and quantify cyber risks in financial terms.

New SEC Cyber Requirements Unite Security Leaders and Business Stakeholders

It all started with a statement from the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Jaime Lizárraga. The commissioner revealed that a staggering 83% of companies suffered from multiple data breaches last year, with an average expense of $9.44 million in the United States— a dramatic increase of 600% over the past ten years.