Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2023

Debunking the Misconception That CRQ Requires a Lot of Data Collection

Cyber risk quantification (CRQ) can be an invaluable tool. The ability to put a number to cyber risk aids in communicating with board members, planning strategic investments, calculating the return on investment of cybersecurity spending, and right-sizing cybersecurity insurance coverage. However, many organizations avoid taking advantage of CRQ due to some common misconceptions.

MOVEit File Transfer Zero-day Compromises Multiple Organizations

An attack exploiting CVE-2023-34362, a zero-day vulnerability in the MOVEit file transfer software, was disclosed at the start of June, with additional victims still being uncovered. The vulnerability is an SQL injection vulnerability that could allow an unauthenticated attacker to gain access to MOVEit Transfer's database. The attack was carried out by at least one threat who gained unauthorized access to the software and stole sensitive data from affected organizations.