Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2022

How to choose a CRQ framework

To get a handle on increased cybersecurity threats, businesses need to know what’s at stake. If you don’t know what you’re defending and what the implications of a cyber event could be, then it’s hard to make cybersecurity decisions. For example, you could be spending time and money on cybersecurity awareness training while your biggest vulnerabilities stem from third-party exposure.

New Features: Third Party Cyber Risk Quantification & Data Transparency

Third party cyber risk can be a lot like the wild wild west - it’s hard to predict where your next loss will come from. We know that third-party cyber events can lead to millions of dollars of loss revenue, remediation costs, regulatory fines & more. That’s why Kovrr has made significant updates to their platform to help put a financial quantification on risk derived from your organization’s third parties.