Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2023

Cyber Security - How will you manage yours?

Across the world, cyberattacks were seen by CEOs as the second biggest risk of doing business overall, only beaten by fiscal crises as potential disruptors. Unfortunately, SME's are the largest group of businesses at risk, and as the risks associated with poor security only increases, so does the need to identify quick areas of improvement.

What is a Security Operations Centre?

Taking an offensive approach to cyber security is now essential in today's digital landscape. With large-scale cyberattacks regularly making mainstream headlines, it is outdated and frankly unwise to assume that your business is safe. Ensuring that you have robust threat detection and incident response capabilities has become a must for organisations of all sizes and industries - leading to many digital-savvy businesses implementing a Security Operations Centre (SOC).

Five key cyber security considerations for the finance sector

Financial services companies are naturally prime targets for cybercriminals. Not only do they have money and assets under their control, but equally hold highly sensitive and valuable data that can be exfiltrated to either pressure organisations themselves to ransom or defraud the end customer. Unfortunately, cybercrime has become an existential issue for financial institutions that are disproportionately attacked by threat actors.