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February 2024

How to Spot Potential Spam Attempts and How You Can Handle Them

More often, spam emails are similar to an unwelcome houseguest who wouldn’t go away. Opening your inbox to discover it filled with unwanted messages is a common and frustrating experience for many. Some are merely annoying advertisements vying for attention, while others take a more sinister approach, aiming to extort individuals from scams or infect gadgets with viruses. Therefore, being alert and discerning while navigating the internet is essential for avoiding threats.

10 Best Cloud Storage Providers of 2024

Cloud storage is a fiercely competitive market, so your decision to back up sensitive information, business documents, or photos is more important than ever. Not all cloud storage businesses are made equal, however. Some are designed to be a secure vault for your data and protect your privacy, whereas others hold encryption keys that give them the power to decrypt and view your private information.

The Big Payback: How to Scam a Scammer

When encountering a scammer online, the best method is to block, report, and move on. Let the law take charge of handing out consequences to scammers, and you can focus on stopping scammers in their tracks. Sometimes, this can be more challenging as online scammers become more adept at tricking people into believing their lies, using technology, social engineering, and emotional manipulation to achieve their aims.

6 Box Alternatives to Help Secure Your Files Online

Being online can offer much freedom, and we are fortunate enough to have a wealth of resources to manage our lives online. Too many options can sometimes make us feel stuck in a box, and we look for alternatives that balance freedom and security. One such example of finding a solution to manage your online life is cloud storage. There are many options to consider, but many people will choose their preferred operating system cloud provider, sacrificing ease of use for the privacy of their data.

Swipe Left on These 6 Most Popular Online Dating Scams

While online dating scams may be a relatively new concept, tales of heartbreak are as old as time. Now, there’s a multi-billion dollar industry dedicated to romantic films, music, and, dating apps. By the end of 2023, dating apps will have reached over 400 million users, generating over $8 billion in revenue through dating, casual dating, and matchmaking services.