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December 2024

OWASP Kubernetes Top 10 : Everything to know About Risks & Mitigation

As open-source software, Kubernetes gives a platform to orchestrate containers or control application deployment in a containerized way, simplifying their running. It is a scalable and efficient system that automatically deploys and scales applications so the developers can focus on their coding. In contrast, the system takes care of other underlying infrastructure work.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Explained: Types, Impacts, and Proven Prevention Strategies

Today, in the cyber environment, web applications are irreplaceable; we use them for everything from banking to social networking. On the one hand, they have given new impetus to smooth internet traffic. Still, they carry the risk of vulnerabilities of the type of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), one of the most destructive types of vulnerabilities for cyber security.