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October 2023

SOX VS SOC - Mapping the Differences

Let’s explore the critical differences between SOC and SOX compliance. In the realm of information security and financial reporting, compliance enables organizations to build trust and transparency with stakeholders. To accomplish this, companies must adhere to specific regulations and standards. SOC and SOX represent two pivotal compliance frameworks that help maintain financial reporting integrity and data security.

How to Conduct an ISO 27001 Risk Assessment

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on ‘Conducting an ISO 27001 Risk Assessment’. This blog is designed to equip you with effective strategies for a successful risk assessment, incorporating the principles of ISO 31000 risk management. Risk assessment is a vital component of a robust information security framework and is in alignment with ISO 31000.

HIPAA Disaster Recovery Planning

In the digital era, Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are crucial in healthcare, making Electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) an essential asset. However, ePHI is vulnerable to threats like cyber attacks and natural disasters, making disaster recovery planning (DRP) vital. Healthcare organizations must implement HIPAA-compliant DRPs to protect ePHI, ensuring continued operation during disasters.

PCI ROC: What You Need to Know

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) aims to prevent financial fraud by securing payment card data. Any company that handles this data must implement security measures to ward off unauthorized access. In this process, you’ll come across key terms like PCI SAQ (Self-Assessment Questionnaire), AOC (Attestation of Compliance), and PCI ROC (Report on Compliance). Let’s focus on the ROC for now.