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May 2023

PCI DSS vs GDPR: A Comparison of Data Security Standards

Since the onset of the pandemic in 2020, global concern for data security and privacy has skyrocketed like a dazzling display of fireworks on New Year’s Eve. With an ever-increasing number of people utilizing online services and sharing their personal information on websites to engage in e-commerce transactions, the infrastructure for collecting and safeguarding consumer data has become of paramount importance.

PCI DSS Requirement 3 Summary of Changes from Version 3.2.1 to 4.0 Explained

Welcome to VISTA InfoSec! In this video, we’ll be discussing the exciting changes made to PCI DSS Requirement 3 from version 3.2.1 to version 4.0. The PCI Council has made three types of changes: evolving requirements, clarifications, and structure or format changes. Some of the major changes include advanced settings in reinforcing payment outlets, high multi-factor authentication features, and better compatibility with cloud and related IT infrastructure.

Future of Data Privacy Examining the Impact of GDPR and CPRA on Business Practices

Welcome to our exciting and informative discussion on the future of data privacy and the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) on business practices! In this webinar, we cover a range of fascinating topics including an overview of GDPR and CPRA regulations, key differences and similarities between the two, and strategies for ensuring compliance.