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January 2023

[PCI DSS Requirement 2]: Summary of Changes from Version 3.2.1 to 4.0 Explained

Learn about the latest updates and changes introduced in the PCI DSS 4.0 version. Explaining in detail, VISTA InfoSec has once again published another expert video on PCI DSS Requirement 2 Summary of Changes from Version 3.2.1 to 4.0 Explained. Elaborating and explaining the updates introduced in requirement 2 in detail, the video briefly sums up the latest changes in the PCI DSS Requirement. Watch the video and learn how you can prepare for these changes and implement them in your organization.

[Practical steps ] to prepare for the Updated ISO 27001:2022

ISO27001 was recently updated with moderate changes and updates in the Information Security Controls. This was done to address the evolving security challenges in the industry. Understanding these changes and their impact on your future ISO27001 Certification process, VISTA InfoSec conducted a live webinar on “Practical Steps to Prepare for ISO27001”.

Why Healthcare Data is a Primary Target for Cybersecurity Threats?

Over the past several decades, cybercrime has evolved to be more comprehensive, threatening, and damaging. There is an emerging trend of cybercriminals attacking all sorts of individuals and organizations in the industry. The healthcare industry has been a soft target for many years and healthcare data is a prime target for cybercriminals intent on stealing data.

3 Things You Can Do to Be More Secure Online

Over the last several decades, the world has become more and more digital. From banking online to interacting with friends on social media, the internet has radically altered how we interact with the world. While digital technology has empowered us in many ways, it has also brought some significant risks with it. Cyber-criminals have become savvier, putting your personal information and digital assets at risk.

The Impact of Cyber Attacks on Small Businesses and How to Protect Yourself

Your business is at high risk if you have no security measures. A cyber-attack can cause devastating financial damage to your business, including legal liabilities. Cyber-attacks can result in lasting adverse repercussions on the reputation, as clients and customers can lose faith in your business if their personal data gets leaked. It can affect productivity, but you can mitigate the impact of attacks by deploying protective gear and training systems for your business and employees.

VI Achieves SOC2 -Type1 Certification For Managed Security Services

VodafoneIdea Limited, a leading Indian Telecom Operator has successfully achieved SOC2 Attestation. After undergoing a rigorous auditing process, VodafoneIdea achieved SOC2 Attestation from VISTA InfoSec, a well-known Global Cybersecurity Consulting, and Certification organization. The SOC2 Audit and Attestation is an assessment of internal controls and security practices conducted by the independent auditors of VISTA InfoSec.