Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2021

Get to Market Quicker with LimaCharlie

LimaCharlie offers cybersecurity tools and supporting infrastructure billed based solely on usage in a scalable way. It is an approach that nobody else is taking. One that enables some pretty exciting possibilities for those looking to develop cybersecurity products or services. Open and fine-grained controls allow developers to create products with healthy margins and save years of development time. There is no other way to get to market quicker.

Introducing LimaCharlie Comms: Operations at Scale

Comms is built for Digital Forensics & Incident Response. It is a console, communications platform and audit trail that is deeply integrated with all aspects of LimaCharlie. It is not something that was bolted on after the fact but rather something that has been purposefully built to operationalize the full power of LimaCharlie towards responding to threats and defending against attackers.