Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2024

Cybersecurity Standards: The Urgent Need for an Evolving Framework || Razorthorn Security

Join me in a candid conversation about the critical need for a robust and evolving cybersecurity framework. In this video, I discuss the challenges faced by well-intentioned individuals who advocate for the creation of a collective and effective group of infosec professionals from diverse backgrounds. Government initiatives often fall short, with the reluctance to invest in a dynamic and continuously improving standard.

Navigating the Chaos: How Forums Keep Us Informed Amid Rapid Changes || Razorthorn Security

Embark on a journey into the fast-paced world of ever-changing landscapes. In the realm of technology and cybersecurity, staying up-to-date is an ongoing challenge. How do we keep pace with the relentless speed of change? Join me in this video as we explore the necessity of forums and communal discussions to stay informed about legislative updates, changes in the cyber threat landscape, and the evolving tactics of adversaries.

Cybersecurity trends for 2024: Your Priorities for the Coming Year

Over the last few weeks I have been catching up with a number of my cybersecurity contacts, primarily engaging with them for new content on our increasingly popular Razorwire podcast. During these conversations, as tends to happen during at this time of year, one of the things I have discussed with these professionals is what are (in their view) some key cybersecurity trends for 2024?

2024 Security Landscape: The Surge in Demand for Continuous Security Testing | Razorthorn Security

Get ready for the challenges of 2024 as the demand for security testing reaches unprecedented levels. As the owner of a consultancy, I've witnessed a significant uptick in the need for security assurance, with clients seeking more than just the traditional annual security check. In this video, I share insights into the changing dynamics of security testing and unveil our upcoming continuous penetration testing platform, Razor Edge.

Unveiling Media Manipulation: Trust Erodes as the Cold Hard Facts Around COVID Unfold #podcast

Dive into the unsettling revelations surrounding media manipulation in the wake of COVID. Regardless of your stance on the pandemic, vaccine, or its origins, it's time to confront the alarming truth – information has been massively manipulated and suppressed. Join me in examining the cold, hard facts that have reshaped our perception of mainstream media.

Underground Alliances: State-Sponsored Hacking & Ransomware Realities Unveiled | Razorthorn Security

Uncover the covert world of state-sponsored hacking in our latest video. Explore how decent hacking groups showcase their skills, often in the realm of ransomware, to secure sponsorships through discreet back channels. These partnerships, sometimes with organizations linked to government-affiliated entities, provide the green light to target perceived adversaries. Has the spotlight dimmed on these activities? Quite the contrary – it's expanding.

Cybersecurity in 2024: Expert Predictions You Need to Know || Razorthorn Security

Welcome to Razorwire, the podcast for all things cybersecurity and information security. I'm your host, Jim, and today we have a thought-provoking discussion with industry experts Iain Pye and Chris Dawson about emerging cybersecurity threats and trends to watch out for in 2024. In this episode, we dive into three key talking points that are essential for cybersecurity professionals to listen in on.

AGI and Humanity: An Urgent Call for Responsible Decision Making Navigate risk | Razorthorn Security

Join me in a crucial discussion about the imminent arrival of AGI and the undeniable fact that humanity is not yet prepared for it. As we explore the potential risks and acknowledge the likelihood of militaries leading the AGI charge, it's clear that responsible decision-making is paramount. In this video, we emphasize the urgent need for collective pressure on industries and decision-makers to ensure ethical AI development. Let's learn from history, avoid repeating past mistakes, and safeguard against unintended consequences.

Ethical Crossroads in AI: Unveiling Global Perspectives| Navigating the Dark Side of Technology

Dive into the intricate web of ethical dilemmas in AI development with me in this thought-provoking video. As we tread through the current phase of AI evolution, I explore the intrinsic differences in moralities and ethics between the East, West, South, and North. Delving into the darker side of humanity, we confront the potential misuse of advanced technology. Join the conversation as we revisit the debate on the consequences of good AI falling into the wrong hands. The looming question of a clash between ethical AI and malicious use is on the horizon, and it could escalate swiftly.

Navigating the AI Landscape: The Urgent Call for Transparent Martial Law | Razorthorn Security

Embark on a critical discussion with me as we dissect the current state of AI legislation, shining a spotlight on the ambiguity surrounding military applications. In this video, I emphasize the pressing need for transparent frameworks and controls in the military AI sector, mirroring the advancements seen in commercial and medical domains. It's a call to action for industries, governments, and users worldwide to unite in pushing for robust controls and accountability. The risk is real, and it's time to prioritize ethical considerations in military AI.

AI's Quantum Leap: 5 Billion Times More Powerful in a Decade! Impact on Jobs and Innovation Now

Join me as we delve into the astounding progress of today's cutting-edge AI systems, now boasting a staggering five billion times more power than a mere decade ago! In this video, we scrutinize the accelerated pace of innovation in AI, sparking a crucial conversation about the looming advent of AGI. While I'm hopeful for a later arrival of AGI, the reality might unfold sooner than expected. Let's explore the hypotheticals and the tangible impact on the employment industry in the present moment.

The Hidden Costs of AI: Disruptions, Frauds, Job Loss, and the Looming Wage Depression

Embark on an in-depth exploration of the unintended consequences of AI in this eye-opening video From the rise of scams during the holiday season fueled by deceptive AI-generated product ads to the emotional toll on people with sudden digital relationships, we explore the disruptive side of artificial intelligence.

Navigating the Reality of AI: Debunking the AGI Myth and Addressing Current Challenges #podcast

Delve into the realm of Artificial Intelligence with me as we unravel the truths about AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). In this video, we'll address the misconceptions and emphasize the current state of AI, focusing on the challenges posed by sophisticated language models (LLMs). Let's acknowledge the reality – AGI isn't around the corner, and there are crucial issues to tackle now. We'll explore the impact on society, jobs, and cybersecurity posed by the existing level of AI sophistication.

DORA Legislation - The Countdown is On

By James Rees, MD, Razorthorn Security A big requirement that all European based organisations (or organisations that want to deal with the EU) must be aware of is the new DORA legislation coming in to effect in January 2025, and with just a year to implement your strategies, it’s worthwhile reviewing how you measure up now so that you have the time to ensure you comply before the deadline.

Beyond Buzzwords: The Truth About AI

Hey there, Razorwire listener! In this episode, we welcome back cybersecurity experts Richard Cassidy and Oliver Rochford to follow up on our AI podcast back in November. Join us for spirited debates on the current state of AI capabilities, imminent impacts to society and business, and thought-provoking speculation on the future of AI and its existential promise and perils.

Interview With James Rees, MD of Razorthorn Security

In SafetyDetectives‘ recent interview with James Rees, the Managing Director of Razorthorn Security, he provided insights into the company’s unique approach to cybersecurity consultancy and its evolution in response to the changing landscape. Established 17 years ago during a period of upheaval in the information security field, Razorthorn Security prioritizes customer satisfaction, fostering a customer-centric approach that has contributed to a high client retention rate.