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February 2023

Why Ransomware is Not Just a Technical or Insider Risk Problem

In this video, we explore why ransomware is not just a technical or insider risk problem, but a larger issue with how we approach technology and economic factors. With multiple parties involved, it is difficult to get a handle on this prevalent issue. However, we discuss what organizations can do preemptively to protect themselves and have a stronger negotiation position against ransomware actors.

Ransomware Sanctions: Exploring the Fallout | Razorwire Podcast

In this podcast episode, Jamie Hayward, Tom Mills, Michael Aguilera and I explore the perplexing irony of the UK government's recent proposal to ban payments to Russian ransomware groups. We debate the ethical, legal and financial implications of such a move and challenge organisations to pre-emptively defend against cyber attacks. "The best way to defeat exfiltration of your data - one of the best ways, there's a few - is using encryption." - Jamie Hayward

Negotiating with Ransomware: 3 Critical Factors to Consider

Ransomware attacks are becoming increasingly common, and it's not a matter of if, but when, you'll be targeted. When faced with a ransomware attack, it's crucial to have a plan in place, and that starts with understanding the threat you're up against. In this video, we discuss the three critical factors to consider before negotiating with ransomware attackers.

Psychological Warfare: How Hackers Exploit Your Sense of Security

Have you ever felt completely safe in the comfort of your own home, surrounded by loved ones? Cybercriminals know this feeling all too well, and they're using it to their advantage. In this eye-opening video, we delve into the world of psychological warfare in the realm of cybersecurity. We discuss how hackers are no longer interested in just stealing data or causing chaos - they want to get paid, and they're going after high-profile targets, including executives, politicians, and R&D leaders. We examine how hackers use it to gain leverage over their victims.

Is Your LinkedIn Profile Putting Your Security at Risk?

In today's age of information, it's becoming increasingly easier to gather information on anyone, including their professional lives on platforms like LinkedIn. While it may seem harmless to check out a colleague's profile or connect with a friend, it's important to consider the potential security risks involved. In this video, we explore the growing concern of side-channel attacks, where hackers can gain access to personal information through the connections and networks of individuals. We discuss how to identify potential risks and take steps to safeguard your personal and professional information.

The Dark Net's One-Stop-Shop for Cybercrime: Ransomware

In this video, I'll be taking you on a chilling journey through the inner workings of the dark net's cybercrime underworld. I'll show you how easy it is to buy a compromised server, purchase ransomware-as-a-service components, and install an Xbox kit to deploy the attack with friends. But the real eye-opener is the endgame: turning the stolen Bitcoin into cash. I'll reveal how Tumblr services on the dark net are used to launder money, and how traditional criminals use Doctrine to convert it into physical cash. Join me as I guide you step-by-step through this one-stop-shop for cybercrime, and expose the alarming ease with which it can all be accomplished. - Oliver Rochford

The Dark Side of AI: ChatGPT and the Rise of Malware Ransomware

In this video, we'll address the elephant in the room: the growing concern of AI being used for malicious purposes. With the rise of malware and ransomware attacks, it's becoming far too easy for outsiders to become insiders in this dangerous world. I'll be discussing ChatGPT and its role in this trend, as well as exploring the reasons why individuals turn to AI automation as a means of generating income. Join me for an eye-opening conversation about the dark side of AI and the urgent need for responsible use and regulation. - Richard Cassidy

Democratized Breach Damage: The Economics Behind Ransomware

In this video, we explore the economics behind ransomware and how it has been democratized through the use of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. While the recent breach affecting multiple companies is concerning, the real interesting aspect is the commercial, professional cybercrime as a service economy that has emerged as a result. We discuss how the ability to monetize ransomware has led to its rise and how alternative forms of payment like Amazon vouchers were previously used before the widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies. It's not just about the technology aspect - the economics behind ransomware are equally fascinating.

Applying Military Mindset to Cyber Security: A Holistic Approach

In this video, we explore how the military mindset and training can be applied to the cyber security domain. With a focus on defense in depth and a holistic approach to security, individuals in the forces community bring a unique perspective to the field. From personal weapons to security centers and countermeasures, the skills and methodologies learned in basic training can be translated to the cyber security space. By managing multiple streams and having a wider oversight of all domains, the elements can fit together seamlessly for a comprehensive and effective cyber security strategy.

Breaking into Cybersecurity: A Military Veteran's Journey

Getting into cybersecurity can seem daunting, but for military veterans, it's a natural transition. In this video, we follow one veteran's journey as they use their resettlement money to fast-track their career in cybersecurity. From getting the basics with certifications like CompTIA Security Plus and Network Plus to eventually obtaining their CISSP, watch as they navigate the world of cyber security and share their insights and surprises along the way.

Why Veterans Make Great Infosec Professionals

Infosec is a demanding field that requires individuals to be adaptable, quick-thinking, and able to handle difficult situations. In this video, James Rees explores why veterans are well-suited for infosec careers, with their unique experiences and skill sets making them ideal candidates for the industry. From their ability to handle high-pressure environments to their willingness to take on challenging subject matters, find out why veterans are making a big impact in infosec.

Negotiating With Hackers to Unlock Your Data - What You Need to Know!

Are you concerned about the recent ransomware attacks? Tune into this episode to gain valuable insight into the complexities of negotiating with a ransomware group. In this episode, I am joined by cyber security experts, Richard Cassidy and Oliver Rochford, to share their experiences and knowledge to help you understand the impact of ransomware and how best to respond to ransomware groups if you find yourself in that situation.

Navigating the Lack of Standardisation in Cybersecurity for Military Veterans

In this video, James Murphy discusses the issue of standardisation in the transition from the military to the civilian world. Cybersecurity is the perfect example to highlight this issue, as job titles and roles can vary greatly from company to company. He explores the confusion this lack of standardization can cause, and discuss the importance of understanding the differences between job titles and the actual tasks required in the role. Additionally, he discusses the certifications that are highly sought after in the cybersecurity industry, and how they can help military veterans make a smooth transition into this field.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in the Transition from Military to Corporate World

In this video, Tom Mills shares the challenges faced by military veterans when transitioning to the corporate world. He delves into the feeling of imposter syndrome and how it can be daunting, but with the support of organizations like Tech Vets and the ex-military community, veterans can find comfort in knowing they have a lot to offer in their new career path. The episode gives a great guide to moving from the forces into the world of commerce from people who have been through the process themselves.

Claire Davies on Preparing For A New Career In Cybersecurity

Claire Davies talks about her preparation for a new career in cybersecurity after being in the military. The episode gives a great guide to moving from the forces into the world of commerce from people who have been through the process themselves. Listen to this episode on your favourite podcasting platform. If you are a new listener to Razorwire, we would love to hear from you.

Threat Intelligence: The Fuel for Your Security Programs

Josh Davies shares that Threat Intelligence is essential for making your security programs successful. Just like fuel powers a car, threat intelligence drives your security efforts forward. But it's not as simple as buying a stockpile and forgetting about it. Threat intelligence is a constantly evolving force that must keep pace with the ever-changing threat landscape.

The Masterclass Series - Career Development & Incident Response

Join cyber security veteran and Razorthorn MD James Rees on Friday 3rd Feb when we will be discussing: Career Path Management Choosing a discipline and a career path is an important part of your cyber security journey. Firstly today we discuss when to do it, how to choose, baseline and specialised certifications to consider, along with tips and tricks to ensuring you effectively manage your career path.

The Importance of Intelligence in Protecting Digital and Human Assets

Richard Cassidy shares that in today's world of cyber security, intelligence is crucial in protecting both our digital and human assets. He delves into the sources of intelligence that allow us to safeguard our resources and make sure that transactions go smoothly. Guest Bio(s): Richard Cassidy

Fostering the Next Generation of Cyber Security Professionals: A Grassroots Approach

Discover the potential of incorporating mandatory cyber security lessons in schools and the impact it could have on developing future experts in the field. Learn how countries like Israel are leading the way and why it's time for the UK to invest more in STEM education, including cyber security. Change the perception of the industry and inspire the next generation to become problem-solvers and solutions providers in the field.

The Importance of People in Cyber Security: A Process and Technology Perspective

In this video, we delve into the crucial role of people in cyber security. Following the people-process-technology approach, we discuss why having the right individuals in place within an organization is key. Learn how the skills of these individuals define your processes and how technology can aid in augmenting your efforts. Discover why the people element should always be the focus and why it's not always easy to find the right individuals when you need them. Join us in exploring the importance of people in cyber security.

The Business of Biometrics: Data Protection and Ethical Standards in Cyber Security

In this episode, I am joined by Chris Dawson and Iain Pye to talk about the biometric technology, what can be done to improve it, and how it might be utilised in the future. In this episode, we covered the following topics: We discuss biometrics and the security and management of the data collected, and how the data has been collected and used by the government, the military, and corporations. We also talk about the moral and legal issues of how biometric data is used and stored, and how individuals can be put at risk.