Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2018

November turns bad for Microsoft & Instagram!

Data breach is a major player when it comes to causing financial as well as reputational losses to a business. With the implementation of laws such as GDPR and a plethora of privacy debates going across the globe, unethical data collection or poor coding practices are the new players in the town. In the last two weeks, Microsoft and Instagram have been in the news – one for collecting MS Office user data while other for displaying passwords in the plain text.

SOAR Functional Components (Part 2)

Incident Management and Collaboration is another of Security Orchestration, Automation and Response platforms’ essential practice whereby security teams can manage security incidents, collaborate, and share information to deal with the incident efficiently and effectively. The best incident management and collaboration plan answer the following questions...

How SOAR helps a Security Operations Centre?

In the previous post, we discussed the basics of SOAR – Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response and how it is becoming a must-have for businesses across the globe. In this post, we will continue our discussion with how an SOAR solution can help an SOC in improvising its operations. Our experts have identified the following ways in which an SOAR solution proves to be beneficial for a business...

Why do we need automation in Security? - An Introduction to SOAR

Pick up any industry and you will realize that every one has gone through an evolution – from being entirely dependent on humans to being now run majorly by machines and automated processes. There comes a point, for every industry, where in order to function efficiently and effectively operate, automation becomes a necessity.