Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2024

Cross-site scripting attacks in action and how to protect against them

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks pose a significant security threat by infiltrating an application’s input fields with malicious code snippets. When users access the affected pages, this code is executed in their browsers, putting their sensitive information at risk. The malicious content injected into the web browser can take various forms, including JavaScript, HTML, Flash, or any other executable code.

How to master pen testing in an agile environment

Problems arise when teams are too siloed. In the past, organizations ran into trouble when Development teams would hand over finished code with security problems to IT Operations to deploy and manage. They realized it was faster and more effective to work together throughout the product lifecycle in a DevOps model, picking up on issues and resolving them as they went in an agile way of working.