Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2023

What is DORA? How to prepare your business for compliance

Designed to support the digital resiliency of financial institutions in the EU and UK, the Digital Operational Resilience Act is set to go in effect in January 2025. In this blog, we take a deep dive into what organizations must do in order to be compliant with this new legislation. Digital resiliency is one of the financial sector's most significant challenges today.

KrakenLabs' Threat Actors Naming Convention

KrakenLabs has developed a new naming convention that uses poisonous plants to represent the origin and criminal activities of threat actors. This approach provides a creative way to classify different types of threat actors, allowing security professionals to quickly understand the nature and behavior of the threat actor, which is helpful for identifying and mitigating threats effectively.