Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2025

Why you need to secure your digital supply chain in 2025

Digital supply chain attacks are happening more often, inflicting widespread damage and threatening your future operations. Here’s one simple solution. How would you know if your digital supply chain is under attack? From aerospace and defense projects to engineering and infrastructure programs, modern manufacturing processes rely on digital supply chains. These interconnected cloud highways streamline production workflows and improve efficiency across the supply chain.

Fortune 500 Fails: 3 Key Lessons from 2024's Largest Data Breaches (to implement in 2025)

Third-party incidents, critical infrastructure threats and regulatory fines for cyber attacks have all risen in 2024. Here’s how to avoid them in 2025. With over one billion records exposed and over $1 billion in regulatory fines issued, 2024 was a record-breaking year for data breaches - in more ways than one.