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February 2023

Navigating the security challenges of multi-tenancy in a cloud environment

Multi-tenancy can maximize the number of resources that are utilized in a cluster by sharing these resources between different groups, teams, or customers. However, boundaries must be placed to avoid problems associated with resource-sharing. On top of that, in a multi-tenant cluster, the number of security policies might gradually grow to the point where a slight misconfiguration could cause major security problems, performance issues, and service disruptions.

The MITRE ATT&CK framework explained: Discerning a threat actor's mindset

This is part 2 of the blog series on the MITRE ATT&CK framework for container security, where I explain and discuss the MITRE ATT&CK framework. For those who are not familiar with what the MITRE framework is, I encourage you to read part 1. In my previous blog post, I explained the first four stages of the MITRE ATT&CK framework and the tactics used by adversaries to gain a foothold in the network or the environment within a containerized application. What happens next?