Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2020

On-Demand Webinar: Extending Your Fortigate Next-Gen Firewall to Kubernetes

Companies are leveraging the power of Kubernetes to accelerate the delivery of resilient and scalable applications to meet the pace of business. These applications are highly dynamic, making it operationally challenging to securely connect to databases or other resources protected behind firewalls. Tigera and Fortinet have joined forces to solve this operational challenge. With the combination of FortiGate Next-Gen firewalls and Calico Enterprise, you gain full visibility into the container environment and can define fine-grained policies to determine which Kubernetes workloads are allowed to talk to the enterprise’s crown jewels running outside the Kubernetes cluster.

Kubernetes Security: Lateral Movement Detection and Defense

What is Lateral Movement? Lateral movement refers to the techniques that a cyber-attacker uses, after gaining initial access, to move deeper into a network in search of sensitive data and other high-value assets. Lateral movement techniques are widely used in sophisticated cyber-attacks such as advanced persistent threats (APTs).