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February 2021

Analysis of an attack on automotive keyless entry systems

The convenience of keyless entry systems can come at a price: your security. Learn how key fob hacks happen and why proactive security measures are a vital part of stopping them. With increased connectivity capabilities and larger and more complex software in automotive systems, modern vehicles are becoming more susceptible to cyber security attacks.

How to cyber security: Containerizing fuzzing targets

Fuzzing can be dangerous. After all, you’re trying to break things. In fuzzing, you deliver deliberately malformed inputs to software to see if the software fails. If it does, you’ve located a vulnerability and can go back to the code and fix it. It’s an excellent, proactive method for software development organizations to fix security weaknesses. And it should be no surprise that fuzzing is also the preferred method for attackers who want to locate zero-day vulnerabilities.

Don't let AppSec tool overload slow down your development

Application security testing tools help developers understand security concerns, but having too many tools can do more harm than good. Good tools are essential for building just about anything. But maybe that needs a bit more clarification: Not just good tools. They also have to be the right tools. Because the old cliché, “if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail,” is a warning that using the wrong tool can mess everything up.

Eight must-have features in an IAST solution

Selecting the perfect IAST solution for your organization’s needs can be difficult. Learn about the eight must-have features of any good IAST tool. Interactive application security testing (IAST) has quickly gained momentum in the application security (AppSec) space. According to Gartner, there was a 40% increase in inquiry volume around IAST in 2019. Why is IAST one of the fastest-growing AppSec tools?

How to integrate automated AST tools in your CI/CD pipeline

The benefits of application security (AppSec) tool integration in the continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline are greater the earlier (the “further left”) you perform them in the process. Development organizations are continuing to shift left to implement security earlier in the CI/CD pipeline. But software security group leaders need to know where AppSec tools should go in the CI/CD workflow, and their purposes in different phases.