Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2023

SOC Visibility Triad, Why You Need NDR Alongside EDR

Defenders face numerous challenges in their complex, ever-expanding environments. Good data or network truth shouldn't be one of them. As Corelight is the standard in the NDR market, we will explore how to pivot from NDR to several EDR tools. The demo will showcase popular tools and give analyst workflow examples and use cases. Speaker: Steven Swaim (Principal Federal Sales Engineer, Corelight)

Detections and Findings using Corelight in the Black Hat Asia NOC

As promised, we wanted to dedicate a blog to detections and findings from the network operations center (NOC) at Black Hat Asia 2023 as a follow up to our Lessons Learned blog. Some of these discoveries may not surprise the seasoned analyst or senior threat hunter – but will hopefully provide a little entertainment, because the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Detecting Storm-0558 using Corelight evidence

While there have been many intrusions, compromises, breaches, and incidents that have made news in the IT and InfoSec industries throughout 2022 and into this year, when events or threats like Storm-0558 gain coverage by mainstream media, we often get questions about Corelight’s ability to detect threats through our sensors, products & platform.