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May 2023

Learn about Corelight and Zeek with AI

Want to know how to get a commanding view of all devices that log onto your network? Let’s ask ChatGPT! Watch as Corelight's James Pope leverages his AI assistant to explain the power of Zeek®—the open-source technology behind Corelight’s network evidence—and the detailed logs of network activity it produces, including protocols such as HTTP, DNS, and SSL. In the video he also shares how Zeek®’s open standard easily integrates with Suricata, SecurityOnion, Molok, Elk, CrowdStrike EDR logs, and more.

New Sliver C2 Detection Released - Redteam detected

We are excited to announce the release of a new detection package “Sliver”, which identifies and raises alerts related to the Sliver C2 framework. This new package joins our industrial-strength C2 Collection and uses a variety of techniques to detect Sliver, above and beyond our HTTP-C2 package’s existing Sliver coverage. In this blog we provide some basics about Sliver and how it works and then dive deep into the techniques we use to detect this popular and powerful tool.