Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2019

To SIEM or not to SIEM?

Not investing in Security Incident and Event Management solutions means you’re missing out on significant business benefits. SIEM detects and responds to security incidents in real time, which reduces the risk of noncompliance. It also helps realize greater value across all underlying security technology and systems. Reporting with SIEM is more comprehensive and less time-intensive, helping to reduce capital and operational costs through consolidation.

Why you need to secure your AWS infrastructure and workloads?

Enterprises are increasingly adopting a cloud-first approach and migrating their workloads, data and applications to the Cloud. Amazon Web Services continues to lead the Public Cloud industry with more than 30% of the market. As digital transformation progresses and the digital space expands, so does the attack surface that exposes the ongoing proliferation of security risks. In today’s cloud-first world, security remains the primary concern.

6 steps to secure your workflows in AWS

On AWS, your workloads will be as secure as you make them. The Shared Responsibility Model in which AWS operates ensures the security of the cloud, but what’s in the cloud needs to be secured by the user. This means that as a DevSecOps professional, you need to be proactive about securing your workloads in the Amazon cloud. Achieving the optimal level of security in a multi-cloud environment requires centralized, automated solutions.