Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2023

Safeguarding Patients' Personal Health Information: 7 Steps to Achieving HIPAA Compliance with Trustwave DbProtect

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, best known as HIPAA, is one of the most well-known healthcare privacy laws in the United States. The primary objective of HIPAA is to safeguard patients' Personal Health Information (PHI). HIPAA's Security and Privacy rules establish guidelines for protecting Electronically Protected Health Information (EPHI), and Trustwave DbProtect is a powerful tool to help achieve this goal.

SNAPPY: Detecting Rogue and Fake 802.11 Wireless Access Points Through Fingerprinting Beacon Management Frames

I’ve always had a great love of all things wireless/RF for as long as I can remember. The ability to send frames/packets of data out into the world (the airwaves!) for anyone with the right equipment and looking at the right frequency to pluck them out and reconstruct them - amazing! I am still the proud owner of both ORiNOCO Gold and Silver PCMCIA cards, these two bad boys defined wireless hacking back in the early 2000’s.

Part 2: Preparing the Board of Directors for the SEC's Upcoming Cybersecurity Compliance Regulations

In March 2022, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a proposed rule, the Cybersecurity Risk Management, Strategy, Governance, and Incident Disclosure, that, if adopted, would require companies to disclose their cybersecurity governance capabilities and the role of the board concerning oversight of cyber risk.

Preparing the Board of Directors for the SEC's Upcoming Cybersecurity Compliance Regulations

In March 2022, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a proposed rule, the Cybersecurity Risk Management, Strategy, Governance, and Incident Disclosure, that, if adopted, would require companies to disclose their cybersecurity governance capabilities and the role of the board concerning oversight of cyber risk.

Trustwave MailMarshal's Blended Threat Module Offers Maximum Protection Against Phishing

Trustwave MailMarshal is a highly dependable and adaptable email security solution that has established itself as a leader in the industry, earning recognition over many years. With the inclusion of Trustwave MailMarshal's Blended Threat Module (BTM), it now offers enhanced protection against phishing attacks, utilizing the power of machine learning for security measures.

Honeypot Recon: MSSQL Server - Database Threat Overview '22/'23

In a constantly connected world, protecting sensitive data in what are often complex database structures requires staying up to date with cyber criminals’ malicious attack techniques, and infection methods. This research is an extension of another project which involves monitoring attacks carried out on database servers worldwide. Understanding how these bots work can keep your digital world safe and secure.

Security Awareness 101: Creating a Compelling Security Awareness Program

There is no downside for an organization to have a security awareness program in place. It may not be 100% effective in stopping workers from making an error and causing a cyber incident, but like any preventative endeavor such a program can reduce the possibility of a disastrous cyber incident from occurring. An organization’s staff is on the front line when it comes to defending their place of work. Kind of a human firewall, if you will.

KillNet, Anonymous Sudan, and REvil Unveil Plans for Attacks on US and European Banking Systems

In a recent development, Russian hackers have declared their intention to launch cyberattacks on the European financial system within the next 48 hours. The announcement was made late on Wednesday, June 14 and came through a video threat posted on the Mash Telegram channel, a very popular channel for Russian news. This operation appears to be a collaborative effort between the hacking groups KillNet, REvil, and Anonymous Sudan.

Brute-forcing ButterflyMX Virtual Keys and Hacking Time Limits

Recently, I discovered two vulnerabilities in the ButterflyMX system which were responsibly disclosed to the vendor. The vendor has mitigated the highest-risk vulnerability, which enabled unauthorized attackers to gain access to buildings equipped with the ButterflyMX Access Control System by employing a brute-force technique, typically requiring only a few hundred attempts to successfully guess virtual keys.

A Cybersecurity (Installation) Odyssey in the South Pacific

Trustwave recently completed an almost three-year-long project that took the team to several of the most exotic Pacific paradises on the map. The trip was not a vacation as we spent long days helping install a wide variety of defensive platforms designed to protect national governments from cyberattacks, but one really couldn’t complain about the location.

Honeypot Recon: Global Database Threat Landscape

In today's digital era, the importance of securing databases cannot be overstated. As more and more global businesses and organizations rely on DBMS systems to store tons of sensitive information, the risk of targeted attacks and data breaches continues to increase. Therefore, the importance of monitoring and uncovering new actors along with their - often unique - attack techniques and methods is crucial.

Top 5 Ways Cybercriminals Engage in Credential Harvesting: Protecting Your Login Credentials

In today's digital world, login credentials are the keys to the kingdom. Whether it's your online banking, your social media accounts, or your work accounts, your login credentials are essential for accessing your personal information. Unfortunately, cybercriminals are always looking for ways to obtain these credentials, and their techniques are becoming increasingly sophisticated.

Trustwave Action Response: Zero Day Vulnerability in Barracuda Email Security Gateway Appliance (ESG) (CVE-2023-2868)

On May 19, 2023, Barracuda Networks identified a remote command injection vulnerability (CVE-2023-2868) present in the Barracuda Email Security Gateway (appliance form factor only) versions In its security advisory, Barracuda said the vulnerability existed in the Barracuda software component responsible for screening attachments for malware. In subsequent days, Barracuda deployed a series of patches.

MailMarshal: Delivering Cloud Based and On-Premise Security Peace of Mind Against Advanced Email Threats

The recent discovery of a zero-day vulnerability in a well-known email security product further underscores the importance of robust email security that can effectively counter advanced email threats, offer a defense-in-depth approach, and operate in the cloud or on-premises. To start, if you believe you have suffered a breach, Trustwave’s Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) is ready and online to take your call and start helping your organization recover. Click here.

Don't Let Complicated RFP Problems Slow Down Your Business

Trustwave is one of the finest pure-play cybersecurity companies in the business, capable of helping clients from almost any industry remain safe from cyberattack, but one little-known, non-cybersecurity service we offer is helping our channel partners decipher and answer request for proposals (RFPs).

From Admin to AdminPlusPlus: Breaking Out of Sandboxed Applications Through Recon, Being Brave and Abusing SSO Domain Account Mappings

I've been pentesting applications for nearly two decades now and throughout that time you get to see trends. One of these is the gradual adoption of Single Sign-On (SSO) in the corporate environment for lots of previously isolated applications. These applications would usually have their own user database and the users (the employees) would need to authenticate directly to them with specific 'local' credentials. With this setup comes varying password expiry times, complexity requirements, etc.

Part 2: Federal Cybersecurity Posture is Improving, but Additional Work Remains

Former Texas Congressman William "Mac" Thornberry and Trustwave Government Solutions President Bill Rucker recently sat down to discuss several pressing issues impacting the federal government’s cybersecurity preparedness, the impact the Russia-Ukraine War has had on cyber, and what remains to be done to shore up the nation's cyber defenses. This is the second half of their conversation.

Federal Cybersecurity Posture is Improving, but Additional Work Remains

Former Texas Congressman William "Mac" Thornberry and Trustwave Government Services President Bill Rucker recently sat down to discuss several pressing issues impacting the federal government’s cybersecurity preparedness, the impact the Russia-Ukraine War has had on cyber, and what remains to be done to shore up the nation's cyber defenses. This is the first of a two-part conversation.

Trustwave Action Response: Zero Day Exploitation of MOVEit (CVE-2023-34362)

On May 31, threat actors were discovered targeting a critical zero day in MOVEit Transfer software resulting in escalated privileges and unauthorized data access. The vulnerability being exploited is an SQL injection and has since been patched. Resources links, including one for the patch, are at the bottom of this post. MOVEit Transfer is a managed file transfer (MFT) solution developed by Ipswitch (a subsidiary of Progress Software).

Simulate a Crisis, Avoid a Catastrophe

Trite old sayings aside, practice works. Sports teams and the armed forces understand that ensuring everyone knows their role and has practiced it until they can do the job in the dark with their eyes closed is the only way to guarantee the proper reaction when it’s time to go to work. The same should hold true for an organization preparing for any type of emergency, ranging from a power outage, natural disaster, or cyberattack.