Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2023

Common Microsegmentation Errors and How to Prevent Them Using a Digital Twin

Defining and implementing a network microsegmentation strategy is paramount to securing the network and protecting assets. However, it’s also a time-consuming and resource-intensive endeavor. This means it’s vital that enterprises are confident that their zone-to-zone security policy is functioning as intended.

Need to Improve Efficiency? Access the Data in Your Network for Better Performance, Security, and Reliability

TLDR – watch our presentation on the Tech Field Day YouTube Channel. How many times have you been asked to improve efficiency, do more with less, or work with fewer staff than needed due to talent shortages or resource constraints? Throughout my decades-long IT career, the network has been the backbone of the business – yet our teams are always expected to do more with less and to be bulletproof while we’re doing it. And somehow, we always rise to the challenge.