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September 2023

Protection from Carding: Inside Russian Carding Fraud Part 4

Welcome to the fourth and final part in our series on credit card fraud originating in Russia. After covering the basics of what carding is, why so much of it is perpetrated by Russian speakers, then digging deeper into how carders operate, in this part we’ll explore ways to protect yourself and your business from this pervasive financial threat. Click here to download the full report: "Inside Russian Carding" (PDF)

Cybersecurity Sessions Season 2, Episode 5: Skiplagging, CAPTCHA vs Bots, Scraper Bots

This month’s episode takes off with a journey into the controversial world of skiplagging, also known as hidden city flying. Airlines and holiday businesses are taking legal action against passengers and websites like Skiplagged that exploit pricing loopholes, leaving empty seats on the second leg of multi-stop itineraries. But with scraper bots at the root of the issue, is there a technical solution to limit the practice?

Carding Deep Dive: Inside Russian Carding Fraud Part 3

This is part three in our four-part series on credit card fraud, specifically focusing on the Russian carding landscape. In part one, we gave an overview of carding as an attack type and drilled into some key terms from the Carder’s Dictionary. In part two, we looked more closely at the motivations behind Russia being a hotbed of carding activity.

Why You Shouldn't Share Your Netflix Password, Even With Your Parents

Until recently, Netflix wasn’t too concerned about its members sharing their accounts with friends and family. In a 2016 statement, Reed Hastings, Netflix CEO said “password sharing is something you have to learn to live with, because there’s so much legitimate password sharing, like you share with your spouse, with your kids… so there’s no bright line, and we’re doing fine as it is.”