Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2024

What Is Cloud Penetration Testing and Why Do You Need It?

Chances are, your business is already operating in the cloud. The rewards of moving into the cloud are undeniable - organizations can build and launch new services and add computing capacity more easily than on premises in a more cost-effective manner. The cloud is indispensable for growing at the speed of the market.

The Critical Role of Cloud Security Architecture in Building Resilience

As cloud computing technologies are quickly have become mainstream due to the multitude of benefits that have transformed how we store, manage, and access data, the enterprise landscape is rapidly changing how they interact with data and applications. However, one of the overlooked and most misunderstood activities that must be performed to successfully leverage cloud computing technologies is the creation of a cloud computing security architecture.

How Can You Identify Your Internet-Facing Applications?

In today's digital landscape, organizations are increasingly reliant on internet-facing applications to conduct business and engage with customers. However, many organizations are unaware of the full extent of their internet exposure. Can you secure your organization if you do not know which internet-facing applications you own? Not effectively.