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April 2023

From Threat Intelligence to Data-Driven Use Cases, the Evolution of Security Automation

Dave Krasik, Director of Product Management at ThreatQuotient, recently had a chance to speak with Ed Amoroso, CEO and founder of TAG Cyber, a leading cybersecurity advisory group, about the state of cybersecurity automation. They covered a lot of ground, and you can listen to the full interview here. Following are a few of the highlights.

How ThreatQ Embodies RSAC 2023 Theme: Stronger Together

RSAConference 2023 USA hit the nail on the head with this year’s theme: Stronger Together. From the U.S. federal government’s prioritization to promote threat intelligence sharing, to the geopolitical environment and joining of allies to combat cyberwarfare, and the cybersecurity industry’s buzz around frameworks and architectures that prioritize detection and response across the enterprise.