Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2022

Security Automation, Lessons Learned from Top Gun: Maverick

The cybersecurity industry has talked about security automation for years. We’ve grappled with what, when and how to automate. We’ve debated the human vs machine topic. And when we’ve been burned by machines quarantining a system or blocking a port on a firewall in error, we’ve wondered if there’s any place at all for automation. But deep down we know that automation is the future, and the future is here.

Ethics, Design and Cybersecurity

If you work in an organization, you’ve probably had to take a cybersecurity training course at some point during your time there. Regardless of whether you work in cybersecurity or not, most of us breeze through the slides or videos, halfway listening to the warnings about spear phishing emails and hacking tactics. We complete the training and then we tuck away the lessons learned until the next year when we have to do it all again.

The Meaning of Orchestration

Recently, ThreatQuotient hosted an interactive discussion regarding security orchestration and cyber security automation adoption – what it is, what it’s meant to do, and why it can present a challenge for security teams to set up and maintain. What we heard from attendees was that the most common issues preventing them from integrating some form of security automation into their internal processes are the necessary time and resources.