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March 2021

Onboarding in the Digital age & two must-haves in your tool kit

If COVID-19 pandemic has made anything obvious to the business community, it is that riding the digital wave is no longer an option for businesses to thrive in the long-run. While several giant enterprises have already switched to a completely remote set up, laggards are still trying to figure their way around justifying such a move. For smaller organizations, however, investing in a digital-first future might not be as easy.

Nigerian fintech landscape

The saying “Good people, great nation” truly captures the essence of Nigeria- also known as the land of hope and opportunity. It is a nation that promotes healthy business growth with vibrant people with friendly energy expressed through diverse creative expressions. The development of the fintech industry in the past few years has been a shining star in the Nigerian economy, with the potential to shine brighter—even through the hurdles posed by the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.