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July 2023

Here's how External Attack Surface Management and Penetration Testing compare

“How does Detectify’s External Attack Surface Management platform compare to Penetration testing” or “What I’m really looking for is Penetration testing” are two statements we often hear when talking to prospects. We know that many of you are keen to understand how EASM compares with Penetration testing (Pen testing), so we’re exploring these two methodologies side-by-side.

Challenges when implementing an AWS multi-account strategy

Implementing an AWS multi-account strategy is a popular approach that helps organizations to manage their cloud resources efficiently. In my previous post, I discussed our reasons for implementing an AWS multi-account strategy, our journey, and some of the benefits we gained as an organization. However, implementing this strategy can come with its fair share of challenges.

View vulnerabilities on the Attack Surface page, new Overview, and update to Attack Surface Custom Policies

The attack surface is where you can understand what you have exposed and whether you should take action on it. Previously, users couldn’t see which assets were vulnerable from the Attack Surface view – it was only possible to view vulnerable assets from the Vulnerabilities page, which required more time. Viewing vulnerabilities on the Attack Surface page will help you better prioritize which assets you need to take action on.