Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2023

The benefits of outsourced Data Protection Officer as a Service

As the world becomes increasingly digital and cloud based, the importance of data protection and privacy has become paramount for all organizations. One key aspect of ensuring compliance with data protection laws and regulations is the appointment of a Data Protection Officer (DPO). However, appointing a DPO internally can present several challenges, including conflicts of interest and a lack of specialized skills. That is where Data Protection Officer as a Service (DPOaaS) comes in.

How Machine Learning as a Service improves organizational productivity and reduces costs

85% of Machine Learning (ML) projects fail. This stark reminder from Gartner – despite more tools being available to businesses than ever. The thing is ML success is not just about tools and technology; it’s about how they’re put into production by experts. Plural. Machine Learning – that improves productivity and profitability by finding valuable insights buried deep in your company databases – needs a small army to leverage it.