Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

December 2021

What is supplier due diligence?

Supplier due diligence is an action taken by an organisation to identify and understand the credibility and suitability of a prospective partner or vendor. Conducting supplier due diligence can help guide decision-making when choosing the right vendor, detect risks with potential suppliers and protect customer data in the process. It's also considered good business practice and can help mitigate future financial and reputational damage caused by a data breach.

Log4j detecting an attack and compromise in logs

Over the last two weeks, many have had flashbacks to 2012 when Heartbleed was released and everyone scrambled to fix broadly used OpenSSL. Due to their nature, some applications and services are so prolific that when a vulnerability is identified it causes massive issues for vendors and customers alike. The latest of this kind of issue is the Log4j vulnerability that has been dominating the press.