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June 2019

The dangers of public Wi-Fi

Working from home used to mean an unofficial day off, but it’s becoming an increasingly common way for people to – well, actually work. For these people, pitching up at a coffee shop is not unusual. Lots of people do it. They're no longer the reserve for would-be screenwriters. There are numerous benefits, such as easy access to overpriced coffees and the option to be sociable but with no obligation to actually be so.

Is cyber security magic, or just an illusion?

Magic seems to be very popular at the moment. Just look at last week’s Britain’s Got Talent, which featured an improbable number of magicians in its line-up. These included ‘X’, the masked magician who was wearing something that looked suspiciously like an anonymous mask and managed to supposedly hack Instagram. A lot of cyber security technology seems to work like magic, so is this a coincidence? Is ‘X’ a reformed hacker turned stage magician? Spoiler alert: no.