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February 2019

A cyber security health check for the most vulnerable

Having covered the start-up vs corporate question before, we thought we would look into which industry is currently most at risk of cyber attack. According to the Wikipedia entry ‘list of data breaches’, which contains a list of data breaches (spoilers), out of 255 data breaches over the last 15 years, historically, the hardest hit industry was ‘web’.

The shortage of women in cyber security

In an age pushing for diversity, is it fair to say cyber security is still an industry dominated by men? A quick Google search seems to suggest so. Admittedly, “cyber security industry male dominated” is a somewhat loaded search, but the point still stands. By simply peering over my monitor and surveying the Bulletproof office, I am greeted by the many grizzled faces of men staring fixedly at their screens hard at work, or at least pretending to be.