Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2018

How long is your dwell time?

If many of the recent threat reports are to be believed, we can assume that, on the whole, businesses are not improving when it comes to detecting a network breach. In those isolated cases where improvement can be seen, the improvement is small. The Mandiant M-Trends 2018 report states that the median global dwell time sat at 101 days (in 2017). I can believe that.

Essential tips for cyber security from Innovate UK

Every year, cyber crime is costing UK businesses around £30 billion, and this figure is on the rise. So, it’s time to start taking the issue seriously. With many people still in the dark about how to go about protecting their business, we’re here to help! So to ensure your business isn’t killed off by cyber crime, here are some essential tips for cyber security.

An introduction to penetration testing

The digital world has become a dangerous place. It’s like the Wild West (the movie kind, not the real kind, which was decidedly less wild than it’s portrayed), with outlaws out to do you harm and make off with your precious data. Fortunately, like any good western, there are also honour-bound gun slingers seeking to bring law, order and – most importantly – security to the digital landscape.