Teamwork for Internet security: Rapid response & compliance

Teamwork for Internet security: Rapid response & compliance

#ThisWeekinNET Episode 61
In this episode of our show "This Week in NET", recorded in our San Francisco office, join us as we talk about the dynamic world of security and compliance at Cloudflare.

0:41 - Uniting teams for a security effort called Code Red

12:12 - Importance of compliance in the security realm

20:04 - Blog update

21:09 - AI Gateway is now generally available (use cases)

Host João Tomé is joined by two guests.

First, we have Ranee Bray, Chief of Staff of our Security Team, discussing how we managed programmatically what we called Code Red — several teams were put together to focus in 30 days on strengthening, validating, and remediating a security incident. Credential management, software hardening, vulnerability management, additional alerting, and other areas were also a part of the “Code Red” effort.

Next, we have Ling Wu, Senior Director of Information Security and GRC (Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance), explaining the importance of compliance for security and the recent challenges and advancements in this area.

We also go over some of the recent blog posts, including one about how East African Internet connectivity was again impacted by submarine cable cuts.

Lastly, we highlight something for developers: AI Gateway, our AI ops platform that provides speed, reliability, and observability for AI applications, is now generally available. Developer Educator Craig Dennis has a few practical examples to show.

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