Role based access (RBAC) is a complex challenge in RAG. Protecto SecRAG solves RBAC

Role based access (RBAC) is a complex challenge in RAG. Protecto SecRAG solves RBAC

Mar 11, 2024

But in the world of gen AI applications, translating and maintaining roles in a vector database is exponentially complex.

Your roles don't fit into the flat structure of a vector database. Instead of simple access rules, you end up with a different collection for each tiny variation of role. For instance, three regions and three simple roles will translate to nine separate collections. And complexity snowballs. Importantly, if you need to change access for managers, you're editing multiple collections and rebuilding your vector database, which is expensive and resource-consuming. Such a mess hurts performance and makes your AI less accurate.

That's where Protecto Secrag steps in. It translates and seamlessly enforces your existing roles in your genAI apps. SecRAG ffers simplified design, easy to manage, blazing speed, and the accurate results you need. learn more at